Are things working on the way we think

Thank you for  clicked on my blog and reading my blog this far but what made you clicked this blog ,of course It’s you or is it .

you are covered in a skeleton of bones and flesh and some organs and stuff or are you really trapped inside some flesh and bones .

to find out just rethink your life from morning

you woke up and brushed your teeth and bathed.

then you ate your breakfast

and maybe gone for a walk



Why you have brushed your teeth in the morning?

why did i showered in the morning?

why did i even ate my breakfast in morning?

Of course every thing is done for a reason or is it just we percived the urge of our body to stay alive as the reasons.

again rethink your day

what made you brush your teeth in morning?

because if you didnt your tooth will be decayed or become cavitized overtime the bacteria in the left over food sticking in our teeth will start to make holes in our teeth . yeah now we got the answer why we do thatbut


why would you even care about the teeth in the first place because its not your teeth its the teeth of your body.”PLEASE DON’T CLOSE THE BLOG CALLING ME A STUPID WRITER PLEASE READ THE CONTINUATION TO UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF THIS “

Your body need you to brush HIS teeth to make HIS teeth to be healthy to make him stay alive . not you

next why in the world you really have to eat your breakfast

if you look to your body closly you will realise that you are a ghost that wearing a cloth of flesh and armoured by some bones made up of star dust . but think why the hell does a ghost need to eat breakfast or brush his teeth no dont need to do it . some people call that ghost as soul or life .

the body make you eat your breakfast by making you feel a feeling called hunger .

and the body’s survival instincts sent signals to our brain to make us feel pain in stocmach to force us to eat our breakfast or our body’s breakfast

herecomes the greatest twist still people didnt beleived me iam damn sure this will make you the body can even play with our emotions

have you ever thought why the hell we reproduce and why does only those organs have so much nerve endings in men and women .

i think you understood what i mean in this blog if you are still reading this thanks this is my second blog check out the first one its in my webisite .

thanks and visit again

Dark matter and Dark energy

Dark Matter

Dark matter is a  Hypothetical  of  matter that  believe

to be exist in the vastness beyond the observable universe.

The Dark matter doesnt appear to interact with the light or the Electromagnetic field.

Dark matter  is implied by the gravitational effects  which cannot be explained by the Einstein’s general theory of relativity unless more matter is present can be observed.

In the standard lambda-CDM model says that normal matter only covers the 5 percent of our universe that is what we call the observable universe

26.8 percent of universe is Dark matter and rest 68.2 percent  is in a form of energy known as is Dark Energy .

Thus Dark matter  constitutes 85 percent of the universe it also gives the normal matter it 95 percent of its mass.


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